miniVE Vertical Electrophoresis System

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miniVE Vertical Electrophoresis Systems
miniVE, Complete 1
Includes: 3 rectangular glass plates, 3 notched plates, 2 gel modules, lid, lower buffer chamber, 2 each 1.0 mm thick 10 well combs and 1.0 mm thick spacer sets
Blot module 1
Includes: 3 Dacron sponges (1/4" thick),  25 sheets of blotter paper

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Perform electrophoresis and electrotransfer using the compact miniVE Vertical Electrophoresis System, shown here with two gel modules and optional blot module.


  • Perform electrophoresis and electrotransfer in a single compact unit.
  • Cast, run, and blot mini-gels in four streamlined components: gel module, blot module, lower buffer chamber, safety lid.
  • Run two mini-gels or four mini-blots at once.
  • Use 10 × 10.5-cm gel cassettes for increased separation distances.
  • Complete semi-wet blotting in 45 min with only 300 ml buffer.
  • Choose precast gels from a variety of manufacturers.

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miniVE System Blot Module can accept two gel/membrane stacks simultaneously.


Convenient Design
The simple, modular design of miniVE Vertical Electrophoresis System consolidates all the small parts for electrophoresis and blotting into one convenient unit. Uniform gel temperature is maintained with the tank-style lower buffer chamber. A full tank stabilizes the temperature so that lanes are straight and bands are flat. The Blot Module will accept two gel/membrane stacks simultaneously. The lower buffer chamber is designed to hold two Blot Modules, allowing four gels to be blotted at once.


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Casting gels for miniVE System is as easy as load, ...


... clamp, ...


... and cast.


Load, Clamp, and Cast
The gel module is simultaneously a casting stand and an upper buffer chamber with integrated clamps. Simply assemble the gel sandwich of plates and spacers, clamp it onto the upper buffer chamber, then pivot the sealing gasket and cast the gel. After polymerization, simply release the bottom seal and drop the assembly into the tank for running. No extra parts are needed and no unclamping until the run is finished.



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Two-fold serial dilutions of a crude E. coli protein extract and samples of purified recombinant green fluorescent protein were separated on a 12% polyacrylamide SDS gel run on miniVE. Gel was stained with Coomassie™ Blue.


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Detection of E. coli GroEL following Western transfer in miniVE Blot Module. Two-fold serial dilutions of a crude protein extract were separated on a 12% polyacrylamide SDS gel run on miniVE. Proteins were transferred to Hybond™-P membrane using miniVE Blot Module. GroEL was detected using an anti-GroEL antibody, ECL Plus™ Western Blotting Detection System, and Hyperfilm™ ECL™.


Extra Length and Compatible Dimensions
miniVE handles gel cassettes up to 10 × 10.5 cm (W × H), which increases the separation length by more than 30% over conventional 10 × 8 cm gels. In addition, miniVE is compatible with the glass plates, combs, and spacers of SE 260 Mini-Vertical units. For gradient gels, mini-Vertical Gel Casters can produce up to four identical gels at one time.


The Right Power Supplies
EPS 301 is the power supply of choice for miniVE System. With ratings of 300 V and 400 mA, it is capable of both running and blotting gels. For faster transfers when blotting four gels at a time, use the EPS 2A200 for its higher current capability.